Scale Your Sales

Scale Your Sales

Scale Your Sales

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Be Invaluable.
Be Memorable.
Be Referable.

In a world where the norm is believing that every person is replaceable, I call B.S.

You're not replaceable

I’m here to set the record straight and help you kick those doubts to the curb, because the truth is this: you’re a genuine one-of-a-kind, and that’s your ultimate ace in the sales deck. In fact, it’s exactly how you’re going to scale your sales.

free course

How to Turn Every Conversation Into an Opportunity to Convert

It’s time to change the way you approach sales.

Access this free course that will teach you the 30 sales principles that will transform your sales game and help you achieve greater success when you sign up to receive her blog updates via email.







Meet your truth-tellin’, straight-shootin’, die-hard hype woman, fueled by equal parts passion and purpose.

With 15 years of experience as a behind-the-scenes powerhouse for influential personal brands, I’ve honed the skills and insights necessary to help you build a reputation that truly represents the person you are.

Want To Know The Secret To Scaling Your Personal Brand?

Sales Systems

That Scale

You’ve already tasted success. You’ve hit revenue goals that used to seem like distant mirages. You’ve cultivated relationships that others would pay for. But deep down, something feels off. It’s like you’ve hit a roadblock, and you’re not sure how to break free.

Maybe you’ve launched new offers, made some sales, but it still doesn’t feel like the right fit. Or perhaps you’ve had bursts of success, only to watch it fizzle out when you shift your focus. And you’re at this point where you’re ready to reinvent yourself, but the path ahead seems hazy.

I get it – building a personal brand is no easy feat. It takes time, effort, and a whole lot of strategy.

But here’s the deal: Many individuals find themselves stuck in a rut, leaving money on the table, unable to level up their personal brand and missing out on valuable leads, conversions, and opportunities to scale. Gone are the days of dull, one-size-fits-all sales strategies. It’s time to embrace what makes you, well, YOU and turn those missed opportunities into lucrative wins. 

In today’s competitive business landscape, sales expertise coupled with a strong personal brand is the winning formula for success.

With 15 years as an award-winning salesperson + Founding Member of Brand Builders Group, when it comes to the personal branding space, I’m the go-to authority for all things sales. My team and I will offer you unparalleled insights, strategies, and support to grow and scale your sales like never before.

Let me show you how to go from unknown to known, from overlooked to sought after; from disregarded to in-demand.


It takes a village to raise a child. It also takes a village to build a successful business.

Success doesn’t happen in isolation – it takes a village of mentors, advisors, team members, and advocates to help you navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and build a thriving business.

I would love to be a part of your village. I know that you’re not here by mistake. I know you feel called to be seen, be known, and be irreplaceable in the lives of those who do business with you. I’m here when you’re ready.

xx -elle